الثلاثاء، 19 يونيو 2012

Confused feelings towards the news of Mubarak's death

Reported by
Abeer Almadawy

On January 25 the Egyptians made a big revolution and Mubarak left the president chair since February 11, 2011 .
Since this day Mubarak was lying in the global health hospital , but after he was sentenced to life imprisonment , Mubarak moved from this hospital to Tora prison hospital that it was prepared before to suit his health case ...
Unfortunately, since this day Mubarak is suffering from a psychological condition and poor health so he entered a case of coma many times ... and here the Egyptians divided among each other ...there are who asked to move Mubarak or transferred to another hospital suits his health condition, others rejected any sympathy with him ..
In fact, this is a difficult moment .. Mubarak was the father of many Egyptians I am one of them.
since i was a young girl i saw him as my president , used to look at him as the father that is he irresponsible of his family but we love him at the end .
It is true ..we reject his policies and refused to stay in power forever or to inherit his son the presidency chair of Egypt so we have a revolution against him and his system..
but as one of Egyptian,I can not accept insulting the former President of Egypt he was once its leader and a hero of 1973 war.
I will not forgive myself as an Egyptian to let this man die at his prison or before we forgive him .. God alone who has the right to punish him .
I know there are who reject my opinion now in the field of Altahrir and they are calling that Mubarak 's death is just a rumor for political reasons and to busy the Egyptians' mind with his death than to think in the people refusal of the constitution announcement.. but although all that... I do not see the courage to prison a patient who dies in custody ...it is not of morality nor of humanity to do this.
Egyptians are a people with a big civilization ..
So we won't accept to insult this man.Simple Egyptian citizen won't accept to kill Mubarak because the people are angry of his corrupt during 30 years.. Do you know now why I say that it is an evidence of the greatness of this Egyptian nation ..
I am not alone in this direction to forgive Mubarak, there are millions of Egyptians are now crying and scared of his death, despite their anger of him, and maybe families from them lost their sons in the revolution but also they forgive because this is the moral they believe in.
All that can't deny too that there are others led by religious groups who do not see the need in sympathy with him ... unfortunately

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. you are kindly beauty heart thinker. they must free president Mubarek,for the sake of humanity
